Friday, November 30, 2007

Contributing to The Survivor Manual

The Survivor Manual is FREE. To Support The Survivor Manual, you can subscribe and make recurring payments, send in any amount once, send your stories, or simply spread the word and link to us.

If you would like to support this endeavor please contribute! Help is greatly appreciated. The Survivor Manual is not a non-profit and donations are not a tax write-off. This is an Angela Shelton project taken on by my production company and will continue to provide video content that will get better and better! We donate 10% of whatever money comes in to other non-profits. That way we have the freedom to discuss broad subjects and are not silenced by any "rules and regulations." I have heard far too many times how my non-profit and advocate friends are not allowed to mention certain things for fear of losing their jobs or their funding and the goal of The Survivor Manual has always been to provide answers. (I want more answers too and am extremely grateful to the contributors! I don't have all the answers.)

If you have found any of these videos, resources or posts helpful, please send a dollar! Thank you for helping us continue this great work. This is an ongoing process and will continually progress forward and be filled with information from my dear friends as well. To help me continue, contribute dollars and your stories.

For those who want to send in your stories, there is something powerful about writing down your story on paper. It is a part of the healing process. Talk to your therapist about writing it down, depending on where you are in the process.

Send in your story and a dollar (you don't have to send in a dollar - the dollars are more to make a point and to send a message). If you are not ready to write it all down, you can simply write "survivor" on a slip of paper, with the city the abuse happened and what the abuse was. Fold in a dollar if you want and send it off. We will not be able to return any of the stories so you are sending it off for good. Keep a copy of your lovely handwritten letters.

If you are the loved one of a survivor write what happened to them and what your relationship is or was. You can even send a dollar for every person you ever knew who was traumatized. That would certainly make a statement.

Send them to:
Angela Shelton, P.O. Box 39702, Los Angeles, CA 90039-9702
(email your stories to and let me know if you would like me to share them or not) I will begin to read from the "story box" as more come in.

Please send in a dollar or dollars here:

Thank you for deciding to send recurring payments:

a dollar a day:

a dollar a week:

or a dollar once a month:

This is not necessary - The Survivor Manual is FREE if you cannot afford a dollar.
The contributors (including myself) - do this out of love.

Where does the money go?
*Paying technical costs like server bills
* Production Costs of filming, editing, and storing video content
*Healers and Therapists to find more healing techniques
*Sending products to those who can't afford it

Get 50% off the documentary "Searching for Angela Shelton" by using the coupon code "onedollar" on the shopping cart.

If you would like to be a contributor on The Survivor Manual and I know you personally, email me and tell me! You have my personal email if you know me.