Tuesday, December 4, 2007

How do you Wash Old Thought Patterns Away?

I went to a yoga retreat workshop on working with your intuition and moving past trauma.

This is what we learned. Feel free to take what you will and ignore what you don’t get or think is bizarre. Ha! But it sure is funny!

OK, get ready for this. She gave us techniques for clearing our space.

Sit or stand (and you can go hide in the bathroom and do this if you need some space) and place your hands up next to your ears almost like you’re going to yell, “I can’t take this anymore!” Then you move your hands back and forth like you’re chopping at the air. I laughed because it looks so much like that scene in “Team America” when Gary does the “Sign of Distress” Ahhhhh…

Move your hands back and forth like Gary and breathe. Do that for as long as you can. It’s like a big “wash that man outta my hair” move. It looks funny and feels funny too. The guru told us that it was energetically chopping away at any old belief patterns that were hanging on around our heads, any negative thoughts from others, projections, negative thoughts about ourselves, etc. Wash it out and breathe while you’re doing it. And laugh, go ahead and laugh as you clear your head - really! This is hysterical and it looks ridiculous and feels ridiculous but I have to say I felt better afterwards. So try it, it can’t hurt.


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Active Survivor said...

I love that you used... "I'm Gonna Wash That Man Right Out of My Hair" for your analogy. It made me smile like this =)

I had to put the lyrics up. I think they can be really profound... almost like pulling out the sword - huh?

Oh yeah! Thank you... this is my FAVORITE of all of your videos!!!

I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair,
I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair,
I'm gonna wash that man right outa my hair,
And send him on his way.

I'm gonna wave that man right outa my arms,

I'm gonna wave that man right outa my arms,
I'm gonna wave that man right outa my arms,
And send him on his way.

Don't try to patch it up

Tear it up, tear it up!

Wash him out, dry him out,
Push him out, fly him out,

Cancel him and let him go!

Yea, sister!